
homemade vegan fast food part 1 - Chili-stir-fry

So.. I've got to admit, there are some days on which I'm just craving salty, rich and most of all quick cooking foods. To be honest, it's usually around lunch-time. I'm not much of a breakfast-person. I'm not even much of a morning person! My energy-peak is in the early evening and I'm working with that! So what do I do when my cravings hit me but still want to eat at least kinda healthy?

During the next couple of weeks I want to share my favourite go-to-meals when I'm hungry!
Today I'm starting with my current favourite:

I call it "Chili-stir-fry" even though the simplicity of this "recipe" doesn't really justify a name or being called a recipe...
So, here we go:
you need:

  • (red) onion
  • several different colours bell peppers
  • kidney beans in chili sauce
  • black beans in chili sauce 
  • olive oil
(try to find low sodium, low sugar canned beans or make your own from scratch and send me the recipe ;) )

Additionally you can add mushrooms, sweet corn, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini left-over peeled potatoes or whatever you have on hand and suits you best!

how to:
  • cut all your vegetables
  • pre-heat the pan with a bit of olive oil (approx. 1tbs) on high heat
  • add your onions and fry them until golden
  • add your vegetables slowly, harder veg first, very watery veg like tomatoes last!
  • fry everything on high heat for a couple of minutes
  • add the beans, give it a good stir and let it simmer on low heat for a couple of minutes
Serve it with rice, bread, couscous or even fill burritos with it!

I love it, because it's quick 'n' easy, you don't have to experiment with lots of seasonings, it's creamy, kinda mushy and -compared to other fast foods- pretty healthy as it serves you complex healthy carbs, several portions of veg and healthy protein and is low in fat (and sugar & salt if you find a good brand of canned beans!)

Bon appétit and let me know what you think! ;)


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