
Easy Fall Granola

I've always wanted to make my own granola because I didn't like the fat- and sugaroverload in the granola you can buy. Also the really yummy ones usually aren't vegan. My first attempt with sprouted buckwheat turned out to be good, but way too hard, so I could use it for overnight oats only. My second attempt was easier, quicker and better:

1/2 cup old fashioned rolled oats (wholegrain)
1/2 cup soft rolled oats (wholegrain)
Soft dried apple, chopped
Pecans, chopped
1-2 tbs maple syrup

Stir everything, except for the maple syrup, in a pan together, then add the maple syrup and stir well!
"Toast" the Granola for a few minutes on medium high and keep stirring. Then transfer to a backing sheet and let cool completely.
It'll stay fresh in the fridge for a few days. Make sure to use an airtight container or jar.

I make it in the morning and we have the first portion  (1/4 cup is enough!) still slightly warm with some soy yoghurt (right now I'm experimenting with making my own home made yoghurt, so watch out for the recipe!) and fruit. We like banana, but blueberries or raspberries would go along well with it!

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