
Quick pickles

Recently I started experiencing with quick pickles and I became a quick pickle junkie!
If you've never made quick pickles, let me tell you, they're way easier than you might think they are!

All you need to do is thinly slice up some veggies and either make a brine or sprinkle the vegetables with enough sea salt so they release enough water by themselve. Then use some kind of cloth to cover the jar and let sit outside the fridge for 1-3 days to let fermentation do its job. By then you can store them for a few days in the fridge and add them as a little something special to any meal. Personally I love a bowl of fresh rice with a selection of homemade pickles! It brings me back to basics and calms the digestive system.
In macrobiotic "medicine" pickles are used for several health problems as they're supposed to have a healing effect on mind and body.

For making a brine I simply use 1-2 parts of water and 1 part umeboshi plum vinegar (you might find this in your health food store, if not order it from a macrobiotic online store!) - I use the Clearspring Ume Su. Ume Su has a salty sourly taste and a beautiful pink colour.

Veggies I make with Ume Su brine:
- carrots
- radishes (any kind of the radish works great!)
- red onions
- spring onions

You can mix them up or pickle them separately. I don't recommend combining red onions with other vegetables though as they overpower the taste of everything.
You can reuse the the brine 1-3 times when making a new batch or use it as a condiment over fresh rice. (Add some finely chopped fresh tomatoes and avocado!)

For "salted" pickles I use:
- cucumber
- the white long kind of radish / daikon

For a 500ml jar I use approximately 1 tablespoon of coarse sea salt, sprinkled in between layers of vegetables. You might want to shake the jar up every now and then until enough liquid is released.
Cucumber pickles are ready to eat within a couple of hours.

Your pickles will get saltier the longer they ferment, but if they're too salty you can just rinse them in cold water before eating.

I might add veggies to the list when I try other veggies :)

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