
A word on sprouts

You've most likely seen different sprouts in the produce section of your grocery store. Or at least soy bean sprouts at the Chinese supermarket.
And while they are tasty, they do get pretty expensive if you include sprouts in your diets regularly, which you definitely should do as they are
1) really tasty
2) add a little special something to a meal
3) are really healthy! I don't want to get into too much detail here, but a sprout is essentially the youngest form of the plant and is never richer in nutrients. Sprouts add important micronutrients to a meal and can help balancing out any deficiencies if you have any. Personally I feel healthier and have more energy even though I'm still nursing in most nights and don't get to sleep through the night!

So sprouting seeds at home is very easy, fun and actually a great thing to do with kids! Especially if you don't have a garden. Within a few days you grow little plants in your kitchen without big effort. Even my one year old toddler seems to find it interesting to watch them grow! Of course I do some explaining but sometimes I catch him standing in front of the sprouter just watching :D

All you need is a sprouter or sprouting jars (there are even tutorials on how to make a sprouting jar at home with old jars), seeds and water.

You can eat most sprouts raw, but have to cook any kind of legume sprouts (beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils) for 5-20 minutes. The larger the legume the longer you cook them.

My personal favourite seeds to sprout are:
Radishes (on bread, avocado, hummus, salads..), chickpeas (make awesome hummus), lentils (for soups and daal), buckwheat (great for breakfast instead of oatmeal), arugula (on bread, avocado, hummus and salads), broccoli and mung beans (for stir frys and any Chinese recipes), red clover

So as you can see, there are plenty of options. Make sure to buy organic seeds and legumes!

You can find photos of meals with sprouts on my instagram account as well as when searching #sprouts #sprossen

Do yourself the favour!

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